Sunday, August 15, 2010

Looking Back!

Today has been a sweet day. Just a day of relaxation. Tomorrow is Mike's Birthday. Which only means in 6 weeks I will be older as well. I was thinking about when Mike and I meet. It was 17 years ago. I was working at subway and he came into my store with a friend of mine since forever. Well Mike got a drink and went outside to wait on our friend. I told my friend Jason who is that with you he is really cute. He told me that that was his friend Mike. Jason went outside and told Mike that I thought that he was cute. Just then Mike came back into the store and got my number. We dated for a while but not long when the stress of neither one of us having a car came crashing down and we just went our different ways. Years later I found Mike on facebook and we started talking, a lot about the past. We became friends. That kind of friend that you can tell anything too. And that is what I was doing. I felt so relieved to have someone to talk to. This was before any interest was re sparked.  It was pointed out to me that Mike had feelings and I felt really flattered. Well things in my old life was not working out, and I knew that I wanted something better. I came here as an escape of the old life. When I first saw Mike again I felt like I was 17. I was promised a life much different from my past. And that is what I truly have. Well we went on our first formal date to a wedding. Which was rather odd. It was fun though. I got to meet even more people. I went from being totally isolated to having so many wonderful people in my life. Now we are just waiting on Niko and Noah to start our new adventures.
                                                                  Our First Formal Date

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